Developing a campus culture of compliance excellence
High level strategic planning will be necessary to develop a campus culture of compliance excellence. Units within the Division will benefit from a coordinated approach in the creation and development of the Division. Some of the strategic initiatives to be addressed include campus communications with internal stakeholders, networking with external legal, compliance, and risk management stakeholders, rebranding of Division units, and branding of the Division as a whole, socializing the work of the Division with stakeholders, assessing current resources, and making better utilization of resources, and development and delivery of compliance and risk management educational content to campus.
In response to the ever-shifting regulatory landscape in higher education, which has been exacerbated by the advent of COVID, Chancellor Sheri Everts authorized the creation of a new division in the Fall of 2021—the Division of Institutional Integrity—that includes the following enterprise-wide legal, risk, and compliance functions that report to the General Counsel:
- Office of General Counsel
- Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance
- Office of Access and Equity: Disability Resources and Equal Opportunity (which includes Clery Act Compliance)
- Office of Compliance and Ethics (which includes Enterprise Risk Management and is under development)
- Office of Internal Audits