Office of Compliance & Ethics
The Office of Compliance and Ethics is to support the Division of Institutional Integrity's efforts by promoting and supporting an academic and working environment that reflects the university’s commitment to maintaining the highest level of integrity and ethical standards in the conduct of the operations. The primary role of the Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer is to oversee the Office of Compliance and Ethics in the implementation, operation, and oversight of an enterprise-wide compliance program at Appalachian State University to ensure the university’s full adherence to the legal, ethical, and regulatory obligations imposed by all levels of government and other oversight agencies.
The Office of Compliance and Ethics is comprised of the Office of Enterprise Risk Management and Athletics Compliance
Enterprise Risk Management
The Office of Enterprise Risk Management(link is external) oversees and facilitates the university’s risk management program and strategies designed to protect and enhance Appalachian State University’s value. These efforts include management of the University’s property and casualty programs, production of risk assessments, and collaborations with risk owners to continuously find effective and creative ways to manage everyday risk.
Athletics Compliance
The Athletics Compliance Office functions within the scope of the university to coordinate, monitor and verify compliance with all National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Sun Belt Conference and university rules, regulations and policies. Our mission is to promote a culture of compliance, accountability, and student-athlete well-being.